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365 Teacher Secrets for Parents: Fun Ways to Help
Your Child in Elementary School
Cindy McKinley & Patti Trombly
ISBN:  978933455273
This reference book, written by two experienced and successful (and, frankly, brilliant and talented) elementary school teachers, provides a day-by-day set of practical ideas and activities that parents can do at home with their elementary school-age children to help them become better students while also having fun.
"Recommended" by US Review of Books
A Believer-in-Waiting's First Encounters with God
Elizabeth Mahlou

ISBN: 978933455280


A Believer in Waiting's First Encounters with God allows readers an entrée into the world of what might be called a modern-day mystic, a world where spirituality, contemplation, hierophany, and miracles unite. Good, evil, suffering, darkness, unknowing, and the unconditional love of God are the leitmotifs that bind the author's experiences from the physical world to the spiritual realm.



blest atheist

Elizabeth Mahlou
ISBN: 9781933455112


As a young child, outraged by the hypocrisy she finds in a church that does nothing to alleviate the physical and sexual abuse she experiences on a regular basis, Beth delivers an accusatory youth sermon and gets her family expelled from the church. Having locked the door on God, Beth goes on to raise a family of seven children, learn 17 languages, and enjoy a career that takes her to NASA, Washington, and 24 countries. All the time, however, God keeps knocking at the door, protecting and blessing her, which she realizes only decades later. Ultimately, Beth finds God in a very simple yet most unusual way.


El Poder de lo Transpersonal

Nelson Fernando Ustman
ISBN: 9781933455297


En "Lo Transpersonal" todas las cosas se conectan y nada está suelto ni es independiente, igual las palabras de este libro están unidas las unas a las otras como los hechos de nuestra vida para poder lograr una alianza entre la razón y la emoción, entre lo humano y lo divino, entre oriente y occidente, entre el pasado y el futuro, entre arriba y abajo. Todo para lograr entender que somos uno y que estamos conectados con un propósito divino. Solo que pocos lo recuerdan.


All books, unless otherwise indicated, are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other online retailers. Many are carried by local stores; if not, stores can order by title & author or ISBN. MSI Press (see contact us) will accept purchase orders from libraries, bookstores, and pre-approved oranizations.

Forget the Goal, The Journey Counts...
71 Jobs Later

Nelson Fernando Ustman
ISBN: 9781933455266


Al Stites has lived a rich 88 years. His orientation toward thinking positively has led him to an incredible 71 jobs, each of them providing him with rich experiences. Many of the people that the author has worked with would be recognized by anyone, ranging from Hal Holbrook to Ethel Kennedy to Prince Borghese of Italy. He has never taken a job because he had to or a job he has not liked. Throughout his life, he has worked not for money but for happiness -- and he has had a happy life. How many of us can say the same?

Joshuanism: A Path beyond Christianity

Michael Vito Tosto
ISBN: 9781933455709


In this conversational, theological book, Tosto details a new spiritual approach for knowing God in the 21st century. This new approach is called Joshuanism, an evolved expression of Christianity (though it draws from other sources as well, such as Buddhism, existentialism, psychology, and science), rooted in the same son of God Christianity worships: Jesus. Yet in this case, we are approaching him with a fresh, unencumbered perspective, preferring to call on him by his Hebrew name: Joshua. Thus, Joshuanism.


Las Historias de Mi Vida

Nelson Fernando Ustman
ISBN: 9781933455723


Las historias que se han seleccionado para este texto, de alguna manera se asemejan en ciertos aspectos a nuestras propias vivencias. Vivencias en el amar, en el perdonar, en el arte de reír, en la nostalgia del llorar, en el correr - a veces - sin sentido, en el trabajar desenfrenadamente, en el no saber para que estamos y para que andamos de tanta prisa.


Losing My Voice and Finding Another

Cooper Thompson
ISBN: 9781933455235


A language learner narrative, based on the author's experiences from 2003 to 2010 when he emigrated from the United States to Germany at the age of 53 and began to learn German, this book is written for adults, especially immigrants, who find it difficult to learn a second language; language teachers who want to learn about emotional and social aspects of second language learning; and citizens and policy makers who want to understand why some adult immigrants are not successful at learning a new language. Foreword by Dr. Rebecca Oxford.

Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest

Shenan (C.B.) Leaver
ISBN: 9780967990705


Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest is a collection of anecdotes about a "detail-oblivious" homemaker and traveler, told from the point of view of her mentally challenged son. The simplicity of language has made this book a favorite with ESL students, and the humorous "conclusions" about life from a child's point of view endears it to anyone with a sense of humor.

Of God, Rattlesnakes, and Okra

J. Bennett Easterling
ISBN: 9781933455754


A heaping slice of old-fashioned Southern storytelling, this book gives readers a taste of genuine American life that will keep them coming back for more. Join the journey as a preacher's kid survives his father's stern discipline, rattlesnakes, and harvesting okra. The deep-fried characters are unforgettable, and the furry and feathered folks will steal the heart of animal lovers. Soaked in faith, people survived the lean, mean times, thanks to the velvet hearts they carried under their calluses, hard work, the good sense to laugh at themselves, and, often, the hand of God. What a delightful legacy they left us! Once you pick up this book, you'll be pleading, "Don't stop now and don't ever grow up!"

Publishing for Smarties: Finding a Publisher

B. L. Ham
ISBN: 9781933455433


Written from the perspective of an acquisitions editor for a publishing house who has also served as a reader and adviser for acquisitions editors at presses ranging from small to large to the leading presses in her field, the author helps new writers navigate the confusing myriad choices in finding a publisher. Typical missteps of new authors are presented, along with criteria for making decisions on choosing a publisher - and advice on how to approach the publisher.

Puertas a la Eternidad

Nelson Fernando Ustman
ISBN: 9781933455204


Este libro es un manual de vida y para la vida, donde desde las experiencias propias vividas por el autor, nos lleva paso a paso a abrir nuevas opciones de crecimiento, trascendencia y evolución para nuestra humanidad que está pasando por pruebas para acceder a maestrías de evolución permanente. Es una oportunidad para poder elevar niveles de conciencia que nos permitan vislumbrar la prosperidad y la abundancia de la vida a la cual tenemos acceso como merecedores de la trascendencia infinita.

Road to Damascus

Elaine Rippey Imady
ISBN: 9781933455136


Road to Damascus describes the Middle Eastern journey of an American who meets and falls in love with a Syrian when they are both attending school in New York. Giving up her country and her religion to follow her husband back to Syria, Elaine Imady has made a life that has successfully bridged two cultures and two continents. Raising three bi-cultural, bilingual children, Elaine has important insights to offer to readers from either the West or the Middle East about how we can all not only get along with each other but learn to love each other. Her life is symbolic of the best of what can be when two cultures come together.

Syrian Folktales

Muna Imady
ISBN: 9781933455099


This delightful book relates folktales from various regions of Syria. Each folktale is located on a regional map and is accompanied by a local, related recipe.

The Gospel of Damascus

Omar Imady
ISBN: 9781933455105


In this eschatological novel that weaves Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions, eight angels prepare Yune Bukhari to be one of the successors to the Disciples of Christ. Guiding the process are golden scrolls that can only be opened at specific dates. The story appears to culminate on Christmas Eve 1999 when Yune, along with his co-disciples, believe Christ will return. Yune is shattered when Christ fails to descend on the White Tower east of Damascus. But 33 years later, he is finally permitted to witness the event he had anticipated for so long.


Book of the Year Award finalist 2012
"Recommended" by US Review of Books
Small Press Bookwatch "Reviewer's Choice" (MidWest Book Review)

The Rise and Fall of Muslim Civil Society

Omar Imady
ISBN: 9781933037


This comprehensive study sheds light on the institutional roots of organizations that sanction the use of indiscriminate violence to advance political objectives.

The Rose and the Sword

Judith Bach and Nanette Hucknall
ISBN: 9781933365


A unique combination of fiction and self-development, this book invites the reader to enter a realm of modern and fantasy tales that stimulate both mind and feelings. Each tale addresses different aspects of the feminine and masculine energies that exist beyond gender and sexual identity in each one of us. At the end of each story is a psychological commentary that provides a deeper understanding of the chapter's subject and an exercise to begin the process of integrating the energies highlighted in the chapter.

The Marriage Whisperer:
Tips to Improve Your Relationship Overnight

Dr. Patt Pickett
ISBN: 9781933455655


This jargon-free, self-help title is written by an experienced Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and inspired by over 10,000 conversations. It delivers 70 couple stories with humor and includes practical tips and tools for lasting relationship improvement. Popular themes are explored in easy-read tales.


Gold Medal, IPPY "Living Now" Awards 2013
"Recommended" by US Review of Books
Small Press Bookwatch "Readers' Choice" Marriage Shelf (MWBR)


The Seven Wisdoms of Life: a journey into the chakras

Shai Tubali
ISBN: 9781933686


One of the most comprehensive books ever written about the chakras and their role in human life, The Seven Wisdoms of Life is grounded not in esoteric theory but rather in the down-to-earth way we can consciously use the teachings of the chakras in order to become fully balanced and fulfilled human beings. Shai Tubali leads the reader through each chakra's teaching. Included questionnaires enable readers to determine their chakra personality type and their current imbalances and understanding.


Book of the Year Award finalist 2013

Thoughts without a Title

Geri Henderson, editor
ISBN 9781933455068


This book is a collection of short stories, poetry, and dramatic essays, written by students and faculty of the New York Institute of Technology in Amman, Jordan, a rich mix of Arab and American authors, reflecting on experiences in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Understanding the People around You:
An Introduction to Socionics

Ekaterina Filatova
ISBN: 9780967990767


This book is a translation and update by the author of her popular Russian-language book on people types. The field of socionics (personality type along the lines of Jung's theories) is fully covered in this book for American readers; the author is one of the leading socionists in Russia/Europe. The examples and discussions are written at a lay level and are meant for the every day reader.

When You're Shoved from the Right, Look to Your Left:
Metaphors of Islamic Humanism

Omar Imady
ISBN: 9781933455051


This book contains 29 stories originally articulated in Arabic by Bashir Al-Bani, Orator of the Grand Mosque of Damascus and one of the masters of the Sufi Naqishbandi Order. They have been compiled, rendered in English, and introduced by Dr. Omar Imady, professor of humanities and political science. The stories are often comic but deep in implication. One story may address the motives underlying human interaction; another may address how hidden principles guide the way in which our lives unfold. A delicate concern for the value, indeed the sacredness, of human value permeates all the stories. This concern is explicated through metaphors, the purest vocabulary of Islamic humanism.

Widow: A Survival Guide for the First Year

Joanna Romer
ISBN: 9781933455242


This book takes new widows on a journey from the first difficult days of widowhood through 12 months of self-discovery. Along the way, you will learn how to handle emotional challenges such as suddenly being alone; how to tackle painful tasks including cleaning out hubby's closet; and how to re-enter the world again in terms of work, personal development and socializing. Guidelines are provided for each new phase, making this book a practical self-help book you can use for re-creating your life.


Small Press Bookwatch Reader's Choice

The Widower's Guide to a New Life

Joanna Romer
ISBN: 9781933455488


The Widower's Guide to a New Life shares the experiences of ten bereaved men as they cope with the trauma of losing a spouse. The book will help new widowers meet such challenges as: how to find consolation through friends, work and prayer; how to start over in terms of new activities, dating and a social life; and how to know when and if a new love relationship is right for you. Guidelines are provided from each widower's personal experiences, making this book a compendium of useful suggestions for getting through this difficult period with knowledge and grace.


Library Journal starred review



MSI Press foreign language education books have been transferred to Virginia Institute Press; until each book is republished by VIP, they can be purchased through MSI Press, which has an arrangement with VIP for this purpose. The following books are still in the transfer pipeline:


Achieving Native-Like Second Language Proficiency (Leaver)

Communicative Competence (Shekhtman)

Individualized Study Plans for Very Advanced Students of Foreign Language (Leaver)
What Works: Helping Students Reach Lative-Like Second Language Competence (CDLC)

Working with Advanced Foreign Language Students (Shekhtman)


Distinguished Language Journal, volumes 1-6; VIP plans to re-start the bi-annual volumes

Teaching and Learning to Near-Native Levels of Language Proficiency, volunes 1-4, CDLC conference proceedings
     (Butler, Dubinsky, Leaver, Robin, Shekhtman, Zhou)

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